Friday, June 20, 2014


After extensive studying, anxiety over marks and procrastination, I reunite with my keyboard once more. A lot has happened since I last wrote, so...this will most definitely be a long post

Since school has finished, I've been to the pool three times. The pool is probably the best place to be in summer since it offers three things. Firstly it offers an opportunity to exercise and escape the sweltering heat of June. It's also an opportunity  to hang out with family and friends, as well as a great place for a tan. Tanning is very important nowadays. Back then in the olden days, being pale was very attractive, since it was sign of wealth. This was due to the fact that those who worked the most (farm workers/slaves) were always in the sun, therefore getting extremely tanned, so the wealthy showed off their wealth by being as pale as possible, especially the women. Since then things have changed dramatically after CoCo Chanel came back from one of her holidays with a very glamorous tan, and now sun exposure is craved instead of looked down upon.