Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 3: Dead Sea

Hi there!

So, yesterday my family and I went to the Dead Sea, and I had loads of fun. I also took a bunch of pictures, which I will upload at the end of the post, but I wanted to first write a little about the Dead Sea and its history. Enjoy!

The Dead Sea is located between the shores of Jordan and Palestine. Despite popular belief (and its name), it is a hyper saline lake, as opposed to a freshwater lake. It has intensely high salinity content (about 28-35 %), which is much greater than the salinity content of oceans, although a few other hypersaline lakes in Africa have higher salinity content. This salinity content disables marine life and vegetation from existing amongst its waters; hence the name. However, the lake's hypersaline state does have its advantages.

The salinity content allows the swimmer to float very easily, due to its buoyancy. The water also has heliotherapy, which means that it can harness the positive biological effects for the sun’s radiation. It is considered to be the first health resort, due to it being the supplier of various products, from balm to potash for fertilizers, the Dead Sea’s salts have also been used to produce cosmetic and herbal products and packets..  It also constantly discharges asphalt, which is also a component in mummification.

The Dead Sea was also very popular with famous historic figures. It was one of Cleopatra’s favorite sites to visit, and many historians believe that it was a refuge camp for King David. It is also believed to be the site of the ancient people of Sodom (Lot’s people), who were punished by Allah when He turned the ground upside down on them.

In short, the Dead Sea is an amazing landmark in Jordan, with valuable origins, benefits, and in recent days, it has become a place of leisure because of the emergence of resorts and spas. I have genuinely enjoyed my time there, and I advise you to visit it if you're in Jordan.

Although I already said this in the beginning, I want to say that I had a lot of my fun with my cousin and grandparents, and of course my mom, dad and sister. It was a fun lunch, and we had a beautiful view the entire time. So thank you mom and dad for taking me.

The photos are below, and check in later for a post about my MMA trial class. Don’t forget to comment below and tell me about your experiences with the Dead Sea, if there are any, and tell me what you think about this type of post, and if I should do more of this sort of thing. 

-Yara :)


Ready to go!

On the Road
Still on the road
Still on the road...
Finally there
The hotel we visited
From the inside
From the inside
The pool (we didn't swim in)
A the bridge
The restaurant we had lunch in 
The Dead Sea from above
On the shore
The rocky shore
The sun about to set
The actual sunset
The pool at night
Believe it or not, that's the moon

On our way home


Hussam said...

Great information to share Yara, I have so many photos that I took for the Dead Sea that I can give you, I think you will like them.
Great post : )

Unknown said...

Thanks, and I would love to see the photos whenever you have time!

Halazeine said...

There is a certain sadness to the dead sea as it is not only dead but dying. As the river jordan is diverted in the occupied territories, and whatever remains is overused for agriculture, little water enters the dead sea. It is always with a lot of love and much sadness that I go to this holy place.