Friday, June 20, 2014


After extensive studying, anxiety over marks and procrastination, I reunite with my keyboard once more. A lot has happened since I last wrote, so...this will most definitely be a long post

Since school has finished, I've been to the pool three times. The pool is probably the best place to be in summer since it offers three things. Firstly it offers an opportunity to exercise and escape the sweltering heat of June. It's also an opportunity  to hang out with family and friends, as well as a great place for a tan. Tanning is very important nowadays. Back then in the olden days, being pale was very attractive, since it was sign of wealth. This was due to the fact that those who worked the most (farm workers/slaves) were always in the sun, therefore getting extremely tanned, so the wealthy showed off their wealth by being as pale as possible, especially the women. Since then things have changed dramatically after CoCo Chanel came back from one of her holidays with a very glamorous tan, and now sun exposure is craved instead of looked down upon.

However, summer doesn't completely revolve around the pool, although it makes up a big part of it. Summer is an opportunity to learn new skills, go on a vacation or, for us students, get a summer job.  I've already mentioned in my first post how I wanted to accomplish 22 goals. Out of those 22, I have accomplished/worked on 8 of them (healthier diet, getting fit, losing excess fat, organising my room, nicer to my sister, reading books more often, getting into more extracurricular activities and finding a summer job). Considering that's about a third of my goals, and about half of the year has already passed it may not seem like a lot, especially since I've been working on (and unfortunately putting aside) my goal of getting fit and losing excess fat. However, I won't let it get me down, because this summer I am determined to work on at least seven, and if possible eight of those goals. They include the two mentioned above, as wells as drawing and painting more often, learning french, improving my writing skills, discovering new places in Jordan and getting closer to my grandparents. If I can manage, I will explore human psychology since I find it very interesting, but those mentioned above are HIGH priority. 

I have mentioned in one of my earlier posts that I have auditioned for the school play Frozen, and I got in *celebrations commence* as one of the townsfolk, I don't know my exact role, and if I did I can't share it with you since the play director wants everything to be very secretive, but whatever I can share, I definitely will. Adding to that, my marks were really good and I got academic distinction *more celebrations* which I aimed for during the finals so I'm really glad I could accomplish that goal. Also, I got a job at a local bookstore. I'm going to meet up with the manager for the exact details, but I am working mostly with kids at the store's summer program, which is absolutely great!

But wait! There's more! Since the middle of April, my friends and I have been obsessing for the The Fault in Our Stars movie which came out in Jordan June 12th (by the way, if anyone who has any power of the releases of movies in Jordan is reading, please try to schedule the releases of movies at the same time of all the other countries. It's not fair we get the movie released six days after it's release in almost everywhere else.) I didn't really feel like reading the book until I watched the first trailer, and after that I knew it was bound to happen, so I read the book and I loved it and started obsessing over it. This meant following every social media site of anyone involved in the movie as well as reblogging a bunch of the quotes on tumblr and repeatedly listening to the soundtrack (this is also lead to my newfound love of one of the bands that wrote a song for the movie, Grouplove, and they wrote Let Me In, which is just great). When the movie finally came to the cinemas, I went and watched it with twelve of my friends and we got really good seats, and we were surrounded by fangirls, just like us, who were really excited about the movie. We came in a little late, so we missed Hazel's introductory monologue, but it didn't really matter because it had no real significance to the plot (which we all already knew). This may be the first time I've ever said this, but the movie was so closely tied with the book on the scale of epic. Honestly, if you're going to the cinemas, go and watch it, it's funny, heartwarming and sad and just absolutely gorgeous. 

I think this is all I have to say for now. I hoped you enjoyed this post, and hopefully I will be posting some time soon.

Thanks for reading!

-Yara :)

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