Saturday, February 14, 2015

Anna Akana and Valentine's Day

Today is Valentine's Day. It's February the 14th and everyone is talking about love and how much they love their significant other and their previous experiences they had on this lovely day. Personally, I believe that this is way too commercialized and overrated and love should be shown everyday. However, its origin is very romantic and noble, and sometimes people showcase their love on this very day in the most creative of ways, and that's pretty cool.

It was apparently named after St. Valentine, a priest that would marry soldiers in private, after the Roman leader of the time banned marriage, due to his belief that single soldiers perform better. When the Roman leader found out, he placed him in prison, and St. Valentine, allegedly, fell in love with the jailer's daughter and wrote her a letter before his execution, signed "To my Valentine".

After Rome became a more Christian society, Valentine's Day became more popular to replace the Feast of Lupercalia (a Roman feast of fertility), as well as it being reported as the beginning of the bird mating season. However, then it was only letters, and then it evolved commercially as it became more global.

Yesterday however, was February 13, on a Friday. Yup! Yesterday was the Friday the 13th. Apparently this year we're having three Fridays the 13th, so be prepared. I wrote a poem I would like to share, for you to enjoy, and probably use the next time someone messes with you.

May all misfortune be lain upon you
And this unmerciful day take all rights and virtue
I hope thy days are colorless and bleak
Following this horrid day, Friday the Thirteenth
May the salt shakers around you spill
And the cracks on side walk cause you to take pills
May the black cats flood your streets
And infinite ladders tower over your sheets
May every devil spawn known to man haunt thy spirit
And the screams you release mute to those who can hear it
May every passing hour feel like a hell hole inescapable
And the fate you will be lead to remain undebatable
May all misfortune haunt you for the rest of your days
As all around you hell is raised


Anyways! Now it's time for an update. A lot of things have happened since I last wrote a blog post. All of them very exciting. Firstly, I was part of the Frozen play, which may have been the first show in Amman to have seven nights fully sold out. It was tiring, long and so very fun. I met so many new amazing people, and being on stage is such a thrill, even if I was only a maid-that-turns-into-a-royal-due-to-clothes-transformation. It was very fun anyways, and everyone was very nice. If I wasn't in IB next year, I would probably audition again.

After Frozen finished, I didn't really do much. Finals happened, they sucked but I did okay on them. After that, I started working on my personal project, which is taking me FOREVER to finish even one piece. I WILL NOT GIVE UP THOUGH. My idea is to take recyclables and transform them into art, by making two-three paper mache sculptures and multiple crafts of smaller sizes. 

Another very exciting thing I would like to share was on my resolutions list last year. I placed a resolution to contact my favorite YouTubers via social media. Lately, I did and this happened:


YES! Anna Akana, one of my favorite YouTubers favorited my tweet I sent to her for a SnapChat contest! It's exciting, ok?

That's all I have for now, but whenever exciting things are to happen, you shall be informed.

Goobye...for now.
