Sunday, February 2, 2014

School, School and More School!

Hi there!

So today I went back to school from the very long but very enjoyable winter break. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, so I woke up really tired. I dressed really slowly and then my mom, sister and I took a long time to get to the car. Thankfully, we arrived at school in time, and we weren't late at all. We were early. 

The mood felt very depressing. The weather suddenly became really cold after the previous days were pretty warm. At the common square of the playground,  I saw some of my friends that I haven't seen during the winter break, and we talked about what we did in our break. Most of my friends just hung around the house, watching TV and such.

The bell rang, and we all sat in any random seats we desired. This girl I genuinely dislike came in and started talking really loud and just walking around like some kind of royalty. She was very annoying throughout the day, but I wouldn't let that get in my way! I felt kind of excited before the first class, however, after it had started and ended, all of my energy was drained. The day went on, and the homework piled up, but the energy was kind of neutral throughout the day, so I guess that's good.

Then the terrific trio (my mom, my sister and me!) went back home, and we had lunch and watched some TV. Then I went to do my homework, and after I finished that I checked my social networks (which you should check out as well, the links are at the upper right side of the page) and now I am writing this. 

Semi-eventful day in my opinion. I really want to know about yours, so don't forget to tell me about it in the comments, or if you have come here from Facebook, send me a message with my name tagged in it, so I can see it. 

Thanks for reading!

-Yara :)

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