Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Update on My Life...

"Yara Shaheen Abuelreish, you shameful disgrace of a blogger. First you disappear for three days, then you don't even finish a book that's only 121 pages. What have you been doing with yourself?"

Well hypothetical human being, I've been doing a lot of things. To start it off there's school. Some people in my class found out about my blog and told everyone. I thought they would be mean, but they didn't really say much. Then somebody read this post. The girl I was talking about in the 3rd paragraph, figured that I was talking about her, and she made everyone turn on me! I'm not the kind of person with savvy comebacks that pop instantly to my head. I usually think of those after somebody makes fun of me. So, for most of the day, three specific people kept making fun of the blog and poking fun at it. I know that what I said wasn't very nice, and I sincerely apologize for that. However, the way she reacted was in no way appropriate to the matter. I hope next time, she approaches me instead of ridiculing me in front of everyone. 

Focus by Leo Babauta
On a side note, I have actually made progress in the book, Focus by Leo Babauta, last time when I said I have made progress, I wasn't completely truthful...I only read 22 pages, but yesterday I read 70, and today I intend on completely finishing it, to write a review about it tomorrow. It's a truly amazing book! It's mainly about eliminating distractions in your life to focus on creating. I have tried a few methods from the books. I have also memorized countless quotes from the book, which is full of them. It's truly beautiful.

Now to return back to school, today we had Art first period. This month we're taking about Fauvism, and it looks pretty easy. The artist who contributed greatly to it is called Henry Matisse, and since he couldn't efficiently draw and paint, he decided to start cutting out random shapes from colorful paper and gluing them to another one. Also in art class, I found a card that is for a university for the arts of all type; creative writing, studio art, film making, theater and much more! I, of course, took the card. It's for the Oxbridge University, which is located in Spain, France, New York and Oxford/Cambridge. I am definitely going to go more in-depth with this university option. Maybe I will make out a career in the arts.
The Snail-Henry Matisse

Last of all, today I'm going to SheFighter again. Today we're taking self-defense and yoga. Really thankful for that, because the last class I went to, on Monday was a fitness class, and it was practically torture, so today it will be much calmer. Also on Monday, I took two new things. I learnt to defend myself if two people attacked at once, and I learnt the Superman punch, which is supposed to be like I'm flying, but I'm just furiously jumping forward. I need to work on that. 

I need to go study before my class at 6PM, so I hope you guys have a splendid day and I would really appreciate it if you commented down below on what you think, or if you came from Facebook then write me a message and mention my name. Also, one of my classmates suggested that I give you guys my email, in case you wanted to send me a message, so here it is: Hoping to hear from you !

-Yara :)

P.S.: Sorry if there are any mistakes, there wasn't time to edit!

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