Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 4: SheFighter

Hi there! 

So today I went to the opthamologist (eye doctor) for my sister and dad. Then we went to a car studio, and then a curtain shop, while listening to the Disney movie Frozen's soundtrack five hundred billion times. Later on at 5:30, after lunch of course, I went to SheFighter with a couple of friends of mine and tried out one of their classes, and my body was pushed to the very extreme.

We started out with running 5 laps around the studio, then we did 35 jumping jacks (although we should've done 50 *sneaky, sneaky*). After that a trainer showed us some kickboxing moves, and then we did 15 push ups and 30 sit ups. This routine was repeated about 3 times, while the trainers added a few moves with each set. At the very end, we had to balance our bodies on our elbows for a minute, and we finished it all off with stretching (despite popular belief, it's better to stretch after or during a workout. There must be a reason for that but I am exhausted from writing up two posts, so you should research it instead.). 

In conclusion, it was a very tiring and exhausting experience, but I did enjoy it a lot, and I felt very productive doing it. Therefore, I am planning to sign up for lessons later on, hopefully with my friends, but even if they don't, I definitely will.  

Link to SheFighter:

P.S.: I was thinking of doing a banner for the blog, but I have no idea what to make it out of, if you have any ideas, tell me in the comments below. 
-Yara :)


Unknown said...

Hi Dr. Yara
you are sooo good in have fluency and style....keep up the good work.....PS: now you have plenty of time while on vacation....but when back to school .....try not to drop kickboxing

Halazeine said...

Hey SheFighter maybe I join you when I am in Jordan. The class sounds amazing! I believe it is important to stretch before you work out to hinder injury, but after you work out gives you perfect tone / muscle shape.