Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day 12: Mall and Snowflakes

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Hi there!

So yesterday, my family and I went to TAJ mall to buy some clothes for my father and I, however my dad didn't see anything he liked, so we ended up buying some shirts for me and my sister. We later went to have lunch at a restaurant called Cafe Hanin. It serves Lebanese food and Shisha (Hubbly Bubbly). My sister and I enjoy the first and my parents enjoy both, so it was a very suitable place for all of us. 

After lunch was over, we all went home. My parents took an afternoon nap, while my sister and I prepared for her birthday by making paper snowflakes. My sister made a lot of 2D paper snowflakes, my mother and I helped by making a few, I also made a really big 3D snowflake. They all look magnificent (I was going to post pictures, but my sister wants to keep it a surprise. However, when the party is happening/over, I will post all of the pictures). 

Not much happened after that. All four of us sat in the living room and watched TV for a while, then we went to sleep. 

THE END...or is it?

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PSS: It was the end; the end of the day.

-Yara :)

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