Sunday, January 26, 2014

ANNOUNCEMENT! Something New!

Hi there! 

So I have been thinking lately, and I have come to the conclusion that I am going to change up the blog a little. This includes the design, the fonts, and even the way of writing. My plan is to focus on one of my goals every two weeks and report on my progress as such. I will also write articles about the goal I'm focusing on, and publish the thoughts and feelings I'm having during my experience. These two weeks I will focus on goal number 13; read one book every two weeks. Since I have already finished one book yesterday (This Isn't What It Looks Liks by Pseudonymous Bosch), I will be writing a review about it tomorrow, and after that I will be reading Focus by Leo Babauta. The version I am reading is the free version, however there is a premium version. 

This is the link: Focus Book (Free and Premium). It is a downloadable e-book, and I would love it if you would download it so we can both read it together and you can tell me your thoughts about it later on. Its theme is similar to his blog, its all about simplicity and relaxation and productivity. I've only read the first few pages, but so far I've liked it. 

Anyways, check out my post tomorrow, and don't forget to comment and tell me what you think about these changes. Also, on the upper right side of the blog, there are a few icons. Each one will lead you to a different social network I'm connected to, so don't forget to check them out as well. Warning: I'm not very active on them, but I'm trying to connect more.

Love you all!

-Yara :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi. Good job on finishing the book. I like the look with the green color. Love you more.