Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Day of School, and the Lost Notes from Canada

-Got into airport
-Went to check-in after going in the wrong lane
-Dad took my bag, then returned it after I tried taking Sara's
-Took a shortcut to passport control where a guy with braces checked our passports
-Went to duty free and saw a cool magazine with free stickers included...it was a card magazine (I want it even more now)
-We went to business lounge for about an hour and my sister and I explored the place and ate the food from the buffet
-Saw a place that served fruits (in business lounge) and it had turkey sandwiches with weird-smelling orange bread (apparently I also ate it...says a lot about me, hehe)
-Sara tried to put hot chocolate in a small mug, it overflowed and then she cleaned the mess and got a new cup and filled it from the machine
-She ate cheese with it
-Went to an isolated TV booth
-Wanted to go to Sara's booth, but instead entered a random guy's booth
-Went to Sara's booth and told her about it, we could hear him laugh as we laughed too
-Went to gate 216
-Wanted to run down slanted hallway to plane-request denied
-Went through a wrong turn into the wrong airplane entrance thingy, and a nice stranger redirected us
-Got on Plane
-Row 2 AC
-Got hot towels while I watched the little TV
-Listened to music

*Everything in parentheses is not original, added by me, as I was typing it

So...yeah, those were my Lost Notes From Canada that I found in my pocket on the day right before school started. Dearest father, this is what I was writing that I wouldn't let you see. I wanted to continue it throughout the vacation, but I didn't finish it.

 Speaking of Canada, I forgot to tell all of you that I went to a Lady Gaga concert. Everyone looked like they jumped out of a Lady Gaga concert. The Lady of the night was phenomenal herself. The show was pulchritudinous (aesthetically beautiful-I must show off the new words I learn!) and she was amazing. Her presence conquered the entire auditorium. If you have to choose between her and Beyonce, you won't be disappointed either way, most probably, I've never went to a Beyonce concert. Maybe next time...

Side note: They tried to tell me that Beyonce is not a word...Computer...you're right, it's not a word...it's a name of AN ICON! Fool.

My first day of school happened on Sunday, and unlike most first days, it was a great first day. I loved it, and I also loved the two days that followed. So school has started in a positive way. We have four (FOUR!) new teachers to the school teaching us this year. Our Research teacher, he teaches us how to perfect our scientific reports, our History teacher, who everyone has come to like VERY quickly, our Math teacher, who has very inspirational passion towards math and teaching, as well as our Physics teacher, who is pretty young, but she seems to be a great teacher. We shall see if fate will change my mind about any of the four...we shall see. 

ALSO, we have a new guy in our school. He seems nice, but like all new students, he's pretty shy and doesn't say much. Hopefully his experience in our beloved school will be a pleasant one. 

We have had several homework assignments over these three days, but it's obvious they're easing us into the process, since it hasn't been overwhelming...YET! 

However, I am trying to keep a positive outlook on school, and life in general, and up till now, I have achieved this positivity, let's hope it lasts FOREVER! 


Anyways, this is just a random post. I wanted to write it now, so I could remind my brain that this is something I WANT to do, not something I HAVE to do. 

OH NO! I almost forgot to add that I did the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, after being nominated by my friend, and groupie *hehe* Bakiza! It was cold, but it was better than I expected. If you want to read about it, then you should visit their site: http://www.alsa.org/about-als/what-is-als.html

NOW! If you are opposed to this because there are more important issues than ALS, then I admit, there are more important issues, however, with every step we take to helping others, whoever they are and whatever way we choose to help them, our world becomes just a little better, and I think that's an important issue. Every step to making Earth a more bearable, and more accomplished planet then we can have more accomplishments to show off to the Martians that we'll find in the next decade *fingers crossed*. If you think of every good thing you do that way, I bet that your life will be much more awesome. 

Yeah...and I have been writing poems, but I don't want to publish all of them here, just some. You must wait and see which ones will make it through the publish filter.

Until then, Adieu!


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