Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day 11: Out and About

Hi there!

So today, my friends and I decided to go out. We went to Buffalo Wings & Rings for lunch. I arrived with two of my friends,and we waited for the others. One of them came 15 minutes after 3 PM, which is the time we all agreed to meet. Another came at 3:30, and the last of them came at 3:45. So after 45 minutes we ordered our food, and it took about 15-20 minutes for all of the food to arrive.

We finished our meal around 5, and then we headed to the nearby mall. We walked there, and it was a little chilly. When we got there, we had no idea what to do. We just strolled around, considering our options, which were limited (food, cinema,or a store). We sulked around for a while, then I decided to buy a cookie from Nestle Toll House, and one of my friends decided to buy coffee from Starbucks. We aimlessly wandered around, until my mom came and picked me up, along with two of my friends. 

My dad came from Saudi Arabia while I was with my friends, however when we arrived, he was asleep, so I didn't see him. My friends and I just sat down and talked about random things, while my sister and my cousin played in the next room.

When my friends left, my aunt and uncle came over and my dad woke up. I sat with them and they chatted about things, while my sister and my cousin played with the Xbox. I later started to sneeze a lot and blow my nose, and I think I got sick, but it was a good day overall, and I had fun.

How about you? What was your day like? Tell me below in the comments, can't wait to read about it!

-Yara :)


Unknown said...

Great job Yara. You are a great story teller.

Unknown said...

Thank you!