Saturday, February 8, 2014

Focus by Leo Babauta-REVIEW

Hi there! 

So today I woke up super early in the morning,put on some relaxing music and opened my curtains (to see the sunrise). I then sat up straight in my bed, took out my computer and started writing this. This is defnitely a change, but it is giving me enough time alone to think only about writing a blog post for you guys. This activity is giving me the means to Focus on creating this post, which is going to be about the free version of Leo Babauta's book: Focus.

The book isn't a ficitonal story, it could be labeled as a self-help book actually. The book's main theme is to help the reader push aside distractions to focus on creating, relaxing or spending more time on things you enjoy. The book starts off by telling us, the readers, about the major role distraction has taken in our life. Today in the Age of Information, distractions pour in from every pore they can fit through. Since the book aims to help us focus, the author suggests diconnection from the addictive technology we use every day, he says that most people stay so connected online that they're afraid if they disconnect, they'll miss out on something important.

He then starts to introduce small steps to take to avoid any distractions in the time of creation. He suggests decluttering, turning off the internet when working, removing all papers hanging on the walls, putting away files and documents that you aren't working on right now, and etc...He also states the diadvantages of always staying connected virtually. 

Mainly the book revolves around focusing at the task in hand and pouring yourself into it, without the possibility of any type of distraction. It's truly a wonderful book and it is beautifully written and full of outstanding quotes. I suggest you download it yourself, it has brought many of my bad habits to my attentions, and I am working on a few of the book's methods to improve my lifestyle and create more often. 

That is the end of the review, however you avid readers will remember that I a) promised to finish this book by Thursday, and I finished it yesterday,and b) promised to post pictures and write a post about my sister's Frozen-themed birthday party on Friday. You may have realized that I broke those promises, however I very much intend to write the birthday post today or tomorrow, as soon as I collect all the pictures and acquire the permission from her friends to post those pictures on the blog.

Tomorrow marks the end of the first two weeks on focusing on only one of my goals, these two weeks were about reading one book every two weeks, and I am determined to continue that. The next two weeks will focus on me trying to improve my writing (goal no. 14). 

Hope you realy liked this post, and if you have anything you want to tell me, post it down below in the comments or message me on Facebook linking my name. Hoping to hear from you!

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