Sunday, March 2, 2014

Procrastination Has Come To An End!

Hi there!

I uploaded last about postponing the art goal to another day, however I'm moving it even farther now, declaring today as the first day of the two weeks of focusing on the art goal. Recently, I have been swarmed with studying, however all projects and studying was due for today and last Thursday, so I finally finished everything. That leaves out all matters concerning school, however I have become obsessed with the GONE novel series by Michael Grant. My nerves are about to explode at every single part of the story, because it's so intense and nerve-wracking. You should definitely check it out, especially if you like futuristic dystopian sci-fi series like Divergent or Hunger Games.

Anyway, back to the art, here are all of the books that I have available, but I have no idea if I have time for all of them, but I am going to put them up here anyway. Here they are:

From the Sky by Sally Safadi
It's a book that provokes creativity and in-depth
 thinking.It asks questions and challenges the norms
that we live by. I have already started a little of it,
 and I really like it so far.
A Book Of Artrageous Projects, published by Klutz.
It's kind of an arts and crafts, but it also has some
art history packed into it, so it's also informative.
Origami-The Art & Fun of Japanese Paper Folding
by Fumiaki Shingu. It starts with simple designs and
techniques,then its difficulty starts to increase as
you go ahead. Really fun, I even tried it with my sister
 and cousin, and they really liked it. 
My Sketchbook- Comic Art published and distributed
by Scholastic. It's all about how to draw comics,
plan them and make them professional. I bought this
one a while back, but I have never truly advanced in it,
which is why I am looking forward to this one.
Scooby-Doo How To Draw
Another comic book tutorial book, however this one
revolves around drawing the cast of Scooby-Doo
and professionally completing it with a plot.

This is the painting that I have been working
on for Art class. It's a replica of Maurice De
Vlaminck's Tugboat on the Seine. It's developing
but I still have a long way to go.
These are all the art supplies I have. They may
look like a mess, but everything there is useful for
painting, drawing and any projects.

Those are all of the tools I have to improving my art skills. Here are some of the paintings I already completed, I did them a while back, but I recently hung them up in my room.

I'm really proud of them, and they blend really well with the background color of the wall, but it doesn't show very clearly in the photo. Moving on to something completely irrelevant, here is a picture of me with my hair cut. I said I was going to wait for the official school photo, but they are definitely going to take a while, so I will post this one instead.

That's all I offer for today, I hope you guys have a great week, and I will post soon about my progress.

Love you all!

-Yara :)

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