Saturday, March 8, 2014

Happy International Women's Day!

Hi there!

This week I have been working a lot on improving my art style and learning new techniques and such. For Art class in school, I made two research papers/paintings, however I could only take a picture of one of them, the one I like the most. It's a replica of Green Stripe by Henry Matisse,but with information about Fauvism.
Green Stripe-Henry Matisse

Unrelated to school I started working on the how-to-draw-comics book. I only worked on shading and pencil strokes, SFX and sound effects and some hand and facial expressions. Here are the results:
-Speech Bubbles
-Pencil Shading
-Pencil Strokes
-Sound Effects
-Hand Expressions
-Facial Expressions
-Sound Effects

I also did a few sketches of superheroes, when I first got the book.

Superhero Family
From the book 'From the Sky' I started the first page, but I feel like I should color it, to make it look better.

In conclusion, I have made significant progress in the art area, but I still have another week to work on it in, and I will definitely improve on my art skills even more. Moving on to other news, today is International Women's Day, which I have learned about because of Google. I have already written a post about female revolutionaries, and here is an article talking about female activists in the Arab world discussing issues that women face in our modern Arab world. However, I also want to show you a brochure I made for an Arabic project about how women are mistreated in Jordan. It's in Arabic, so I apologize if you don't understand it

The photos are not being organized the way I like at all! The goal after this one is between fitness, eating and computer skills, and the latter is becoming the best choice available these days. Going back to the topic, the photos above are the brochure, split up according to how you should read them. From the top to the bottom. I got a full mark from it, but my mom found some mistakes in it, after I gave it to the teacher, and yes, you have the original unedited version, so you're welcome!

All in all, I hope you liked this post and share it with your friends and have a great day!

-Yara :)

1 comment:

Hussam said...

Great post Yara, love it ❤️❤️❤️